We have an extensive range of PCD Pharma Products in India. Recently, we have crossed numerous milestones to stand out as one of the best PCD Pharma Franchise in India. Lifecare Formulation is further turning to become India’s biggest integrated pharma companies in India. Starting as a PCD Pharma Company in Ahmedabad, we now have more than 300 quality pharma products. Such a massive range of PCD Pharma Products is probably the largest series of the product by any PCD Pharma Companies in Gujarat.
Lifecare Formulation is the swiftest and largest maturing pharmaceutical companies in India, with headquarters at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We have a strong plan for new brands and products to be launched soon. We have W.H.O., G.M.P Certified manufacturing amenities which are pre-approved by numerous regulatory bodies. Lifecare Formulation is known for delivering truly world-class healthcare solutions at highly level-headed rates.